Military Analysis-Control Team Continuity File SOP | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Military Analysis-Control Team Continuity File SOP

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The purpose is to outline all procedures, requirements, and responsibilities for the Analysis and Control Team (ACT).


  • The All-Source Analysis System – Remote Workstation (ASAS-RWS) is primarily a processing and fusion system.  It processes intelligence and combat intelligence into an all-source picture of the enemy and provides analysis tools and automated communications.  This constantly updated picture provides the brigade the enemy portion of the Common Relevant Picture (CRP) to reduce risk and uncertainty during planning and execution.  Additionally, analysts use ASAS-RWS to perform IPB, assist in war-gaming, support other planning, and use secondary imagery.  Analysts configure their ASAS-RWS to focus and set the resolution of detail required to perform their tasks based on their team’s functions.
  • The ACT provides the brigade with intelligence connectivity, processing, and the ability to maintain the intelligence database through it’s communication links with other brigades and the division headquarters.  The ACT is responsible for supporting the commander by providing automated intelligence processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence products.  Also, obtains and manages the order of battle, terrain, and weather data within the brigade.

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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