Drug Testing Program Military Urinalysis Drug Testing Program and Military Urinalysis Collections Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Drug Testing Program Military Urinalysis Drug Testing Program and Military Urinalysis Collections Standing Operating Procedure (SOP)

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This is a drug testing program military urinalysis drug testing program and military urinalysis collections standing operating procedure. It can be used as an example of how to write a drug testing program military urinalysis drug testing program and military urinalysis collections standing operating procedure. This SOP provides the protocol and responsibilities for the secure handling of urine specimens by Commanders, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Drug Testing Coordinators (DTC), Assistant DTC, Certified Battalion Prevention Leaders (BPL), Certified Unit Prevention Leaders (UPL), and Observers. This SOP is a guide to assist the BPL and UPL in carrying out the Commander’s urinalysis testing program for their units Soldiers. This SOP and the Commander’s Guide & Unit Prevention Leader (UPL) Urinalysis Collection Handbook supplements and the AR 600-85.

NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for accuracy, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011) : This document is in MS Word format


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