INFANTRY FBCB2 CONNECTIVITY EXERCISE | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Class / briefing: The concept is relatively simple.  Bn goes to the motor pool and conducts command maintenance in accordance with their unit SOP (some call these periods AA Operations, some due a leader teach the Friday before, etc.).

Bring the S-6 track up earlier that morning (actually power up on previous Monday to ID any issues).  The S6 is the primary BN SA server and has the link to TI Manager.  Once S6 is up, the companies due PMCS and bring FBCB2 up. They conduct trouble shooting operations per SOP/-10.  Various training objectives can now be met (Send free text, create and send overlay, build address groups, set filters, build Perstat, etc.).  Company Cdrs reported completion of their connectivity.  Use TI Manager to take snap shots to measure compliance.  Crews are not allowed to go out of motor pool until at least the FBCB2 tasks were complete.

Use this model as a method of FBCB2 skills sustainment, along with the added TTP of using the tutorial as a means to teach the unschooled. Company training clerks keep records of which modules completed.  Use of the tutorial in this fashion shows unit initiative to fix the school problem when the classroom is the choke point.  As an added measure of “protection,” clerks take the tutorial record logs to the field to show how they are trying to help themselves.

Bdes can schedule battalions (especially during red cycle) and can power up Bde HHC and test themselves. The idea can only be stretched so far. It may be counter productive to go beyond Bde level.


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