Implement Defensive Information Operations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Implement Defensive Information Operations

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Class / briefing: ACTION: Identify how defensive information operations protect information and
Information systems and achieve information superiority at brigade and below.

CONDITION: In a classroom, given the appropriate references and student handout.

STANDARD:Accurately: (1) Define information operations; (2) Identify how the effects of defensive IO contribute to achieving information superiority; (3) Identify three sources of threats to friendly information and information systems (INFOSYS); (4) Identify three ways hostile intelligence threats collect information on friendly operations; (5) Identify the steps of the operations security (OPSEC) process; (6) Identify the three types of OPSEC indicators; (7) Identify the purpose of the OPSEC survey; (8) Identify three OPSEC measures to protect critical information; (9) Identify three electronic protection procedures to protect radio communication; (10) Identify three measures to protect information on the unit’s Automated Information System (AIS).


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