Establish a Saline Lock | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Establish a Saline Lock

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Class / briefing: Establish a Saline Lock.

Conditions: A casualty is in hypovolemic shock from a severe loss of blood or a medic or medical professional requests that you establish a saline lock. Bleeding has been controlled. Supplies not carried by you will be provided by medical personnel. You will need an 18-gauge intravenous (IV) catheter/needle unit, saline lock adapter plug, constricting band, Tegaderm® dressing, alcohol or povidone-iodine pad, gloves, 3 to 5 milliliter (ml) syringe and needle, and an IV solution bag.

Standards: Establish a saline lock in a prominent vein and ensure that there are no signs of infiltration. Do not cause further injury to the casualty.


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