Radio Operator | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Radio Operator

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Total Army Training Programs and documents for the Radio Operator course

PURPOSE: Provide 31C30, Radio Operator-Maintainers with the skills and knowledge required to effectively train and supervise subordinate personnel in the proper installation, operation, and unit level maintenance of tactical radios, and associated equipment.

SCOPE: Supervision and inspection of system installation, integration, Unit Level Maintenance (ULM) and troubleshooting of Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System  (SINCGARS), Combat Net radios (CNR), Tactical Antenna systems, Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE), Local Area Networks (LAN); computer technology and network management integration.


1.    Active Army or Reserve Component enlisted soldiers that meet enlistment requirements.
2.    Selected by PERSCOM (Active Army) or recommended by unit commander.
3.    Qualified in MOS 31C.
4.    Comply with the requirements outlined in AR 351-1, paragraph 5-14, and meet the TABE requirements.
5.    Active and Reserve soldiers over 40 must complete required medical screening and receive status prior to attending.
6.    Only SSG or promotable SGT will attend.
7.    Successfully completed PLDC or equivalent unless promoted to SSG prior to linkage of NCOES to promotion.
8.    Successfully completed PLDC at least six months before attending.
9.    Successfully completed 400-BNCOC-TATS-C, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Common Core Training Course- TATS prior to attending Phase II.

SPECIAL INFORMATION: The IDT/ADT portion of the course is based on the amount of time to train one soldier and not the optimum class size.  All IDT/ADT practical exercises and hands-on test hours reflect the time for one student or team/crew to complete the task or activity.  If the unit being trained does not have the equipment identified in this POI the unit will coordinate with other units for equipment or substitute compatible equipment on hand in the unit.


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