TC 7-21.10 Infantry and Weapons Company Guide to Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 7-21.10 Infantry and Weapons Company Guide to Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations

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This circular provides leaders with information about and training guidance for using training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations (TADSS) in support of the Infantry rifle and weapons company. It also describes how leaders may use TADSS to support specific training events. It follows the doctrine in ADP 7-0 and complements the IBCT combined arms training strategy (CATS). Finally, it provides TADSS training programs for use by the Infantry company leader (PAM 350-9 provides additional TADSS information):

  • It explains how TADSS work within the Army’s training infrastructure by showing how Infantry company leaders can use the IBCT CATS to support their unit training strategy.
  • It contains examples of how TADSS are used.
  • It describes the TADSS, and their capabilities, limitations, recommended training strategies, and supporting references.
  • It provides a matrix’s that links tasks to TADSS and that support the Infantry CATS, from mortar section to company.

NOTE: ADP 7-0 supersedes FM 7-0 : FM 7-1 was rescinded by PAM 25-30 : FM 7-1  superseded FM 25-101


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