TC 3-09.31 Fire Support Training for the Brigade Combat Team Commander Supersedes (Formally FM 6-71) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 3-09.31 Fire Support Training for the Brigade Combat Team Commander Supersedes (Formally FM 6-71) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

This TC describes fire support training for the brigade combat team (BCT) commander. The TC is not all inclusive but is intended as a quick study “smart book” for the BCT commander to use in developing his own strategy for fire support training. BCT commanders determine how to train their units. The manner chosen becomes the BCT commander’s training strategy. FM 7-15, TC 3-09.8, and the Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS) for armor, infantry, and Stryker BCTs collectively provide tasks and events that BCT commanders may use to help develop their fire support training strategy for the BCT.

NOTE: TC 3-09.31 Fire Support Training for the Brigade Combat Team Commander Supersedes FM 3-09.31 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander   :  FM 3-09.31 is a joint publication and also MCRP 3-16C   FM 3-09.31 was formally FM 6-71


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