TC 25-1 Training Land | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 25-1 Training Land

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

The mission of the Army is to defend the homeland, promote security and deter aggression, fight and win the nation’s wars, and ensure superiority over enemy forces. These missions will be accomplished in Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM) environments. The training of soldiers, leaders, and units is the vital ingredient that assures the readiness of the force to accomplish these missions. To be effective, individual and collective training provides soldiers and leaders with the opportunity to practice battle-focused mission essential tasks in tough and realistic live training – field environments. The Army must and will “Train as We Fight” in a fully integrated live, virtual and constructive training environment that mirrors the operational environment. This training ensures that Army forces maintain the capability of Train-Alert-Deploy. It is necessary to sustain current maneuver/ training areas to provide sufficient realistic live training conditions for future forces. The Army’s Range and Training Land Strategy identifies the shortfall in maneuver/ training areas and effect of encroachment pressures that may restrict live training, and provides a strategy to resolve these issues where possible.


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