TC 21-305 Training Program for Wheeled Vehicle Accident Avoidance Including Change 1 | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 21-305 Training Program for Wheeled Vehicle Accident Avoidance Including Change 1

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This TC provides a standardized training program for wheeled vehicle accident avoidance according to AR 385-10. It provides basic knowledge and motivational training in the safe operation of all wheeled vehicles to include POVs as well as AMVs. It does not include any theater-unique requirements. Instructions in it will help the wheeled vehicle driver maintain a high degree of driver proficiency. The contents are not restricted to any particular vehicle. It is a guide to normal, everyday driving and driving under difficult conditions. The lesson content consists of lesson outlines, transparencies, and handouts. This program may also be used for sustainment training. When used for sustainment training, commanders have the flexibility to choose and arrange training material based on the unit’s mission, driver behavior, and/or accident history. When this product is used for remedial training, the unit should focus on the task errors involved and use that portion of this TC for retraining.

NOTE: AR 385-10 Supersedes AR 385-55


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  • nox


    requeriment file TC 21-305-1 & 3-19.11 Special reaction Team

    • Mark Gerecht


      Click TC 21-305-1 It will take you to the ARMSROOM so you can download the file. FM 3-19.11 is a locked FM and can only be downloaded by individuals with a need requirement and a CAC card

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