TC 21-305-100 The Military Commercial Driver’s License Driver’s Manual | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 21-305-100 The Military Commercial Driver’s License Driver’s Manual

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

This TC parallels the FHWA approved model driver’s manual used by commercial driver training institutions to qualify civilian drivers to CDL standards. It and a computer-assisted instruction program, are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of military drivers. This media also supports the military driver training, testing, and licensing standardization initiatives. These programs may be used to enhance existing unit driver training initiatives. They are adaptable to an individual or group settings. Deviations from these programs will negatively impact driver skills and standardization objectives. These programs do not restrict their contents to any particular vehicle. They are a guide to normal highway operations under varying conditions for transporting various types of cargo. They do not include any specific geographical or theater unique requirements. However, they do conform to the basic driving criteria needed to obtain a state or federal government agency license.


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