Military Personnel Wearing Uniforms in Civilian Court – The Judges Conundrum Memorandum | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Military Personnel Wearing Uniforms in Civilian Court – The Judges Conundrum Memorandum

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

This is Military Personnel Wearing Uniforms in Civilian Court – The Judges Conundrum Memorandum. Can or should someone in the active duty military or reserves wear their military uniform to civilian court? Generally speaking, the promulgated military rules provide that for someone authorized to wear the uniform, that they may not wear the uniform where such may tend to bring discredit upon the Armed Forces or the uniform. That is a military rule though and outside the court‖s consideration, and the question boils down to whether there is a statutory right to wear the uniform, whether that right is current as someone who is on active duty at the time, and whether wearing the uniform violates ethics rules as an effort to sway the judge or jury, that being then the effect wearing the uniform will have on the proceeding.

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