Job Rights for Veterans and Reserve Component Members Office of the Command Judge Advocate Information Paper | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Job Rights for Veterans and Reserve Component Members Office of the Command Judge Advocate Information Paper

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This is a Job Rights for Veterans and Reserve Component Members Office of the Command Judge Advocate Information Paper. The Department of Labor, through the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS), provides assistance to all persons having claims under USERRA. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) clarifies and strengthens the Veterans’ Reemployment Rights (VRR) Statute. USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for veterans and members of Reserve components. USERRA also makes major improvements in protecting service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding Federal Government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department of Labor assistance in processing claims. USERRA provides that returning service-members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service (the long-standing “escalator” principle), with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority. USERRA also requires that reasonable efforts (such as training or retraining) be made to enable returning service members to refresh or upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment. The law clearly provides for alternative reemployment positions if the service member cannot qualify for the “escalator” position. USERRA also provides that while an individual is performing military service, he or she is deemed to be on a furlough or leave of absence and is entitled to the non-seniority rights accorded other individuals on non-military leaves of absence.

NOTE: This document is in PDF format


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