Army Rear Detachment Commander’s Handbook | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Rear Detachment Commander’s Handbook

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

The Rear Detachment Mission:   One of the most important assignments during a unit’s deployment is rear detachment duty, particularly as the rear detachment commander (RDC). Upon deployment, the RDC officially assumes the duties of the unit commander and maintains regular contact with the deployed unit commander at the mission site. The rear detachment operations pick up the daily workload of the deployed unit and provide home-station support for the unit. The RDC is responsible for the administrative operations of the rear detachment, including maintaining command and control, accounting for unit property and equipment, and managing personnel. In short, the RDC and the rear detachment personnel keep the unit functional. One of the most important rear detachment duties, however, is serving as a vital communications link between the deployed unit and family members.

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