FM 3-34.331 Topographic Surveying – Historical Copy Rescinded | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-34.331 Topographic Surveying – Historical Copy Rescinded

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

This FM is a guide for MOS 82D Topographic Surveyor. It provides techniques not found in any commercial text concerning the precise determination of position, azimuth, or elevation of a point. Additionally, this publication describes and standardizes procedures for performing recons, preparing station descriptions, and reporting and briefing of survey projects. The material in this manual is applicable, without modification, to all geodetic survey projects in all environments (prebattle, conventional war [nuclear and nonnuclear], low intensity conflicts, and postbattle). The contents comply with Army doctrine and international precision surveying practices.

NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for accuracy, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011) : This document is in PDF format : FM 3-34.331 was rescinded

Download FM 3-34.331 Topographic Surveying (Historical version) Click Below:


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