FM 3-31 Joint Force Land Component Commander Handbook (JFLCC) (Historical Copy) | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-31 Joint Force Land Component Commander Handbook (JFLCC) (Historical Copy)

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This handbook is designed for planning and conducting land operations requiring the close coordination of Army forces and Marine Corps forces under the control of a joint force land component commander (JFLCC) within the joint operations area (JOA). Joint force land component (JFLC) command operations addressed are primarily those involving large forces to include Army divisions and Marine expeditionary forces and the conduct of operations outside of an amphibious objective area (AOA), if designated. This handbook is also useful for planning and conducting land operations across the range of military operations and in multinational environments.

NOTES: FM 3-31 is a joint publication and is also: MCWP 3-40.7 :  FM 3-31 was rescinded by DA PAM 25-30


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