FM 3-19.17 Military Working Dogs – Historical Copy superseded by ATTP 3-39.34 Military Working Dogs | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-19.17 Military Working Dogs – Historical Copy superseded by ATTP 3-39.34 Military Working Dogs

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Military working dog (MWD) teams are employed in dynamic ways never before imagined. Today’s MWD team is a highly deployable capability that commanders have used around the world from Afghanistan to Africa and from the Balkans to Iraq. These specialized teams aid commanders in stability and support operations as well as in warfighting. Being modular and mobile makes these teams very agile. As situations dictate, MWD teams are quick to arrive and able to conduct various operations. Their versatility allows for effective transformation at all echelons among readiness for deployment and operations on the ground, through redeployment and back to readiness. Today’s MWD program effectively employs expertly trained and motivated handlers coupled with highly intelligent breeds of dogs. These teams are continuously rotating between their assigned duties and deployments worldwide to perform joint operations, multiechelon tasks, and interagency missions.

NOTE: FM 3-19.17 was superseded by ATTP 3-39.34  Military Working Dogs    The NEW document is not accessible to the public. Approved personnel may access this document at:

Download  FM 3-34.343 – Military Nonstandard Fixed Bridging (Historical version) Click Below:


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