FM 3-16 The Army in Multinational Operations (Formally FM 100-8) | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-16 The Army in Multinational Operations (Formally FM 100-8)

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

This manual provides a guide for Army commanders and staffs operating in a multinational environment. It applies across the full spectrum of military operations. It provides general information on important topics necessary for conducting multinational operations. However, it also lists questions that multinational partners need to address to improve their mission effectiveness and efficiency. Every multinational operation differs. The purpose, character, capabilities, composition, and scope of a multinational operation are functions of changing missions. These missions are magnified by the complexities of two or more armies operating together. Each member nation brings its own view and methods of operations.

NOTES: FM 3-16 was formally FM 100-8


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