FM 3-04.513 Aircraft Recovery Operations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-04.513 Aircraft Recovery Operations

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This manual is the Army’s doctrine for battlefield and garrison recovery operations. The operational concepts described in this manual are based on Army doctrine established in ADP 1, ADP 3-0, FM 3-04.111, FM 3-04.500, and FM 3-50.1. Emphasis is placed on modular force structure and the enhanced operational capability provided by Army aviation transformation.  It builds on the collective knowledge and experience gained through recent operations, numerous exercises, and the deliberate process of informed reasoning. It is rooted in time-tested principles and fundamentals, while accommodating new technologies and evolving responses to the diverse threats to national security. Aircraft recovery missions include the assessment, repair, and retrieval, if possible, of aircraft forced down due to component malfunction, accident, or combat-related damage that prevents the continued safe flight or operation of the aircraft. The aircraft recovery mission is complete upon the return of all personnel and either: The return of the aircraft through self-recovery or dedicated recovery utilizing aerial or surface recovery methods and techniques. The selective cannibalization and destruction or abandonment of the aircraft.

NOTE: ADP 1 supersedes FM 1, ADP 3-0 supersedes FM 3-0, TC 3-04.7 supersedes FM 3-04.500


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