FM 3-04.203 Fundamentals of Flight | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-04.203 Fundamentals of Flight

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FM 3-04.203 endeavors to ensure that crewmembers understand the basic physics of flight, and the dynamics associated with fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. A comprehensive understanding of these principles will better prepare a crewmember for flight, transition training, and tactical flight operations. This publication describes the unique requirements and flying techniques crewmembers will use to successfully operate in extreme environments, not always encountered in home station training. Army crewmembers must be familiar and capable of performing their mission proficiently and tactically at night. The information on night vision systems (NVSs) and night operations in this circular will provide the basis for acquiring these skills. It also covers basic tactical flight profiles, formation flight, and air combat maneuvers. It is an excellent reference for Army crewmembers; however, it can not be expected that this circular is all inclusive or a full comprehension of the information will be obtained by simply reading the text. A firm understanding will begin to occur as crewmembers become more experienced in their particular aircraft, study the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) of their units, and study other sources of information. Crewmembers honing skills should review it periodically to gain new insights.


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