PAM 670-1 Guide to Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

PAM 670-1 Guide to Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

PAM 670-1 provides the implementation procedures for wear and appearance of Army uniforms and insignia.

NOTE: This document is in PDF format


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  • Bebert Baylosis


    I have a two part question. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’m putting full size medals into my ASU. What is the measurement for the medals above the left pocket on the ASU? Is it the same for ribbons, 1/8 inch above the leg breast pocket. Second question, what is the measurement for placing the appurtances on the full size medals?

    • Mark Gerecht


      The Answers to your questions can be found in DA PAM 670-1. Please see the references below:

      22–7. Full-sized U.S. and foreign decorations and service medals
      a. Where worn. All personnel may wear full-sized decorations and service medals on the service/dress uniform.
      b. How worn. Personnel wear all full-sized decorations, except the Medal of Honor (see para c, below) in the order
      of precedence from the wearer’s right to left, in one or more rows, with 1/8-inch space between rows. Second and
      subsequent rows will not contain more medals than the row below. Personnel will not wear service and training ribbons when full-sized decorations and service medals are worn. Personnel may wear U.S. and foreign unit award emblems as prescribed, when wearing full-sized medals. Full-sized medals are worn as follows:

      (1) Males wear full-sized medals immediately above the left breast pocket, in as many rows as necessary. The
      number of medals worn in each row depends upon the size of the coat. Full-sized decorations or medals will not
      overlap within a row. When full-sized medals are worn, personnel may wear up to three combat and special skill
      badges or metal tab replicas (or a combination) from groups 1 through 5, but may only wear one combat or special
      skill badge from either group 1 or group 2 one above the other, above the medals, in order of group precedence. Males
      may not wear the driver and mechanic badges with full-sized medals, and they may not wear special skill and
      marksmanship badges on the pocket flap below the medals (see fig 22–4).

      (2) Females wear full-sized medals centered on the left side of the coat. The bottom row of the medal pendants are
      positioned parallel to the bottom of the nameplate. Females may adjust the placement of the medals and nameplate to conform to individual body shape differences. The number of medals worn in each row depends upon the size of the coat. When full-sized medals are worn, personnel may wear up to three combat and special skill badges or metal tab replicas (or a combination) from groups 1 through 5, but may only wear one combat or special skill badge from either group 1 or group 2 one above the other, above the medals, in order of group precedence. Females may not wear the driver and mechanic badges with full-sized medals, and they may not wear special skill and marksmanship badges below the medals (see fig 22–5).

      22–11. Appurtenances
      The following appurtenances may be worn on decorations, medals, ribbons, and other awards, when authorized by the
      proper authority.
      a. Oak Leaf Clusters.
      (1) See AR 670–1 for wear policy.
      (2) The silver oak leaf cluster is worn to the wearer’s right of a bronze oak leaf cluster and to the left of the “V”
      device. Oak leaf clusters, 5/16 inch in length, are worn on service ribbons, the suspension ribbon of miniature medals, and unit awards. Oak leaf clusters, 13/32 inch in length, are worn on the suspension ribbon of full-size medals. Oak leaf clusters 5/16 inch in length, joined together in series of two, three, and four clusters, are authorized for optional purchase and wear on service ribbons and unit award emblems. Personnel wear oak leaf clusters centered on the service ribbon and suspension ribbon, with the stems of the leaves pointing to the wearer’s right. If four oak leaf clusters are worn on the suspension ribbon on either full-size or miniature medals, the fourth one is placed above the middle one in the row of three. No more than four oak leaf clusters can be worn side-by-side on service ribbons.


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