AR 710-3 Inventory Management Inventory Management Asset and Transaction Reporting System | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 710-3 Inventory Management Inventory Management Asset and Transaction Reporting System

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

This regulation:

a. Sets policy and assigns responsibilities for operation and maintenance of the Department of the Army asset and transaction reporting systems.
b. Sets standard methods for reporting major and selected secondary item assets. These standard methods will incorporate in-transit loss accounting techniques and furnish functional managers with a common base of information for logistics management.
c. Prescribes procedures, codes, and formats for interfacing with other ongoing asset reporting subsystems.
d. Sets procedures for interfacing with data maintained in The Army Authorization Documents System and the Unit Identification System.
e. Prescribes design features (for example, codes, formats, and procedures) that are adaptable to systems planned for development by Department of Defense or DA activities and elements.


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