AR 700-84 Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 700-84 Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

This regulation prescribes the policies, procedures and responsibilities for the issue and sale of personal clothing to members of Army activities and to Department of the Army civilians. It also describes systems for the maintenance, replacement, and disposition of such clothing and gives conditions under which these systems apply. Policies and procedures in this regulation are designed specifically for enlisted Soldiers (Active Army, Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve), although limited policies or procedures may apply to officers, warrant officers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, Army Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, DACs, and ROTC contracted employees. Additionally, it applies to other personnel or organizations supported under the clothing replacement allowance or issue-in-kind systems, or Army Military Clothing Store operated by the Exchange.


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