AR 700-28 Committee for Ammunition Logistics Support | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 700-28 Committee for Ammunition Logistics Support

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This regulation:

a. Prescribes policy and mandated procedures for the allocation, control, and distribution of:

(1) Class V munitions (conventional ammunition and missiles) in both peacetime and times of increased munition requirements (for example, small-scale contingencies, mobilization, and wartime operations).
(2) Class V training unique items (for example, target practice, training practice, short-ranged, limited-ranged, and other Service training munition) that were procured only to support specified training requirements.

b. Charters the Department of the Army Committee for Ammunition Logistics Support to allocate, distribute, or redistribute munitions in actual or potential short supply.
c. Establishes a General Officer Steering Committee to review and provide guidance to the CALS, when needed.
d. Implements DODD 5160.65 and defines responsibilities of the Executive Director for Conventional Ammunition in the munitions allocation process.
e. Provides an official forum to facilitate the exchange of information concerning problems involving munition logistics support among the Army commands, theaters, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, Joint Staff, and Office of the Secretary of Defense.
f. Designates the allocation, distribution, and redistribution of other Services’ munitions as agreed to by the other Services as part of the CALS process, the CALS-Working Group process, or as directed by the Joint Materiel Prioritization and Allocation Board.


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