AR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

This regulation:

a. Prescribes policy and provides procedures for collecting and reporting the physical condition of Army materiel.
b. Prescribes policy direction for the Logistics Assessment Program and specific policies and procedures for the Army analysis process that supports the service responsibility for:

(1) Assessment of Army readiness and sustainability.
(2) Logistics evaluation of operational plans.
(3) Development of the materiel supply requirements determination and sources to generate nonunit cargo records and the resulting LSA for the warfighting combatant command’s and their Army service component command’s OPLANs, concept plans, and functional plans.

c. Provides references and sources of assistance for achieving and sustaining equipment readiness standards.
d. Describes reports and indicators for assessing readiness and sustainability trends.
e. Provides authority for establishment and operation of the Readiness Area of the Logistics Integrated Data Base.


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