AR 700-127 Integrated Product Support | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 700-127 Integrated Product Support

This regulation prescribes the Department of the Army policy for implementing performance-based life cycle product support, including performance-based logistics, through the Army’s Integrated Product Support Program. The IPS Program includes planning, developing, acquiring, and sustaining well-defined, affordable performance-based product support strategies that meet the Soldier’s requirements for Army materiel and software throughout their life cycle. Additional guidance for implementing this policy is provided in Department of the Army Pamphlet DA Pam 700-127 and must be used in conjunction with it. The policy implements PBPSS requirements; defines the process that the materiel developer will use to develop and integrate a PBPSS with the systems engineering process; identifies the framework (twelve integrated IPS elements) that will be used to develop the PBPSS; assigns responsibilities for developing and implementing PBPSSs for Army materiel and software; and requires MATDEVs to implement metrics to measure product support performance. DA Pam 700–127 provides implementing guidance for it. This policy does not apply to business information technology systems developed and supported under the Business Capability Lifecycle or associated processes.
NOTE: This version does not go into effect until 7 November 2014 – Before that date see AR 700-127 Integrated Logistics Support (Also available on this site)


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