AR 700-116 U.S. Army Ammunition Management in the Pacific Theater | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 700-116 U.S. Army Ammunition Management in the Pacific Theater

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

This regulation provides authority and describes policy for providing centralized U.S. Army ammunition management in the Pacific Theater. It delineates the centralized ammunition management objectives, functions, and responsibilities of the Commander, U.S. Army Pacific G–4. It identifies command, control, and operational relationships that exist between the USARPAC G–4 and other organizations in support of Class V mission operations. Also this regulation transfers all missions and functions, less management and accountability of Army war reserve assets previously assigned to the U.S. Army Materiel Command and performed by the Central Ammunition Management Office-Pacific, to the USARPAC based on the Army’s Vanguard initiative. Finally, this regulation identifies the USARPAC G–4 as the responsible agency for management and accountability of training ammunition and combat load ammunition, and as custodial agency for war reserve assets. Accountability of Army war reserve assets and will be maintained by the AMC from transactional data provided by the USARPAC G–4, via the 8th Theater Sustainment Command (8th TSC).


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