AR 70-8 Soldier-Oriented Research and Development in Personnel and Training | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 70-8 Soldier-Oriented Research and Development in Personnel and Training

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This regulation:

a. Establishes the Soldier-Oriented Research and Development in Personnel and Training program under the broad guidance of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition and as a specific responsibility of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel.
b. Implements those portions of AR 70-1 and AR 70-6 that pertain to SORD–PT and prescribes policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the conduct of this program.
c. The goal of the SORD–PT program is to provide the technological edge necessary to ensure that the Army can recruit and maintain a total force, trained and ready to carry out its assigned roles anywhere in the world, anytime. SORD–PT uses a multidisciplinary approach built upon the behavioral and social sciences to improve soldier and unit warfighting capability. The SORD–PT program is executed through the conduct of research and development in the four following areas:

(1) Manpower and personnel.
(2) Human factors in equipment design.
(3) Education and training.
(4) Simulation and training devices.

d. This program does not include soldier-oriented R&D in the medical sciences, which is a function of The Surgeon General.


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