AR 601-10 Management and Recall to Active Duty of Retired Soldiers of the Army in Support of Mobilization and Peacetime Operations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 601-10 Management and Recall to Active Duty of Retired Soldiers of the Army in Support of Mobilization and Peacetime Operations

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

This regulation covers the management and mobilization of retired Soldiers of the Army during war, national emergency, or when otherwise authorized by law. It provides for peacetime management of retired military personnel in preparation for their use to meet national defense requirements. It sets policies and procedures for the voluntary and involuntary pre-assignment of retired Soldiers; discusses the Secretary of the Army’s authorization to order Regular and Reserve Army retired Soldiers to active duty; contains the medical examination policy for retired Soldiers subject to recall; clarifies absentee processing; updates screening of retired Soldiers who occupy key positions; and lists agencies having emergency functions. This regulation also gives guidance for determining the need for recalled retired Soldier training; clarifies the statutory authority for retired Soldiers mobilized; updates the record keeping system; and adds policy for recalling retired Soldiers during a partial mobilization.


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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

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