AR 600-8-19 Enlisted Promotions and Reductions | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 600-8-19 Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This regulation prescribes the enlisted promotions and reductions function of the military personnel system. It is linked to the AR 600–8 series and provides principles of support, standards of service, policies, tasks, rules, and steps governing all work required in the field to support promotions and reductions. It provides the objectives of the Army’s Enlisted Promotions System, which include filling authorized enlisted spaces with the best qualified Soldiers. Further, this system provides for career progression and rank that are in line with potential and for recognition of the best qualified Soldier, which will attract and retain the highest caliber Soldier for a career in the Army. Additionally, the system precludes promoting the Soldier who is not productive or not the best qualified, thus providing an equitable system for all Soldiers.


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