AR 600-60 Physical Performance Evaluation System | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 600-60 Physical Performance Evaluation System

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

This regulation covers the Physical Performance Evaluation System. It requires Active Army, Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve Soldiers with a permanent profile containing a three or four in one of the profile serial factors to be evaluated by an administrative screening board designated as the Military Occupational Specialty/Medical Retention Board. This evaluation is to determine if Soldiers can perform satisfactorily in their primary occupational specialty or specialty code in a worldwide field environment. This regulation gives the duties and procedures of the Military Occupational Specialty /Medical Retention Board. It also gives the procedures for processing the decision of the Military Occupational Specialty /Medical Retention Board Convening Authority to recommend a Soldier for medical reclassification or to refer the Soldier into the Physical Disability Evaluation System or the Reserve Component medical disqualification process, as applicable.


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