AR 525–15 Software Reprogramming Policy for Electronic Warfare and Target Sensing Systems | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 525–15 Software Reprogramming Policy for Electronic Warfare and Target Sensing Systems

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This regulation establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides strategy for integration and interoperability of electronic warfare and target sensing systems. It also is the basis for Army policy for EW and TSS mission data programming; development and use of rapid software reprogramming; and operation of Army capability to identify and counter changes to threat system composition, capabilities, and signatures, to include providing the U.S. Army with effective counters to hostile introduction of new threat systems and changes to threat systems that impact the Army’s ability to detect, classify, and engage the threat; providing security and preservation of friendly forces or equipment; providing the U.S. Army with an RSR capability that will assist commanders to attain tactical superiority, achieve surprise, gain and retain the initiative, and obtain decisive results; and maintaining vigilant data collection efforts to detect introduction of new threat systems or changes to existing threats to counter the new or changed threats.


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