AR 50–5 Nuclear and Chemical Weapons and Materiel Nuclear Surety | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 50–5 Nuclear and Chemical Weapons and Materiel Nuclear Surety

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This regulation establishes Department of Army policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the Army Nuclear Surety Program. It implements Department of Defense Directive 5210.42. It designates the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans as the proponent for the Army Nuclear Surety Program. Although the U.S. Army no longer has nuclear weapons or nuclear delivery systems, Army units may be called on to support nuclear weapons programs of other Services, the Joint Staff, or unified commands. These nuclear support missions, which could include duties such as storage of positive control materials (e.g., sealed authenticators), transmission of release / execute orders, and security duty at nuclear weapons storage areas, require Army units/ activities to establish nuclear Personnel Reliability Programs. Furthermore, DOD Directive 5210.63, Security of Nuclear Reactors and Special Nuclear Materials, requires operators and security personnel at Army nuclear reactor facilities to be in the PRP.


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