AR 27-40 Litigation | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 27-40 Litigation

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

a. This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the following:

  1. Defensive and affirmative litigation in Federal and State civilian courts where the Army or Department of Defense has an interest in the matter.
  2. Proceedings before Federal or State administrative bodies, such as utility rate commissions.
  3. Release of official information and testimony by Department of the Army personnel with regard to litigation.
  4. Remedies for procurement fraud and corruption.
  5. Environmental civil litigation and administrative proceedings.
  6. Proceedings for cooperation before the Office of Special Counsel.
  7. Bankruptcy proceedings in which the United States may have an interest, including bankruptcies involving Government contractors.
  8. Procedures to follow when soldiers are summoned for jury duty.


b. This regulation does not apply to Department of the Army or DOD proceedings such as courts-martial or administrative boards.


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