Mission: The mission of the Chief, ARNGPC is to provide officer personnel records management to personnel of the ARNG.
The principal functions of the Chief, ARNGPC are as follows:
a. Maintain official military personnel files on ARNG officers
and warrant officers and line–of–duty records on ARNG enlisted
b. Determine that applicants for Federal recognition as officers
and warrant officers in the ARNG meet qualification requirements
c. Verify military service and prepare statements of service on
ARNG officers and warrant officers.
d. Administer the line–of–duty determination program for the
ARNG. Process final decisions and approve line–of–duty status on
reports of investigation of ARNG personnel.
e. Administer the Survivor Benefit Program for the ARNG.
Applicability: This regulation applies to the Army National Guard (RNG). It does not apply to the Active Army or the US Army Reserve.
Historical Copy.