AR 1-33 The Army Memorial Program | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 1-33 The Army Memorial Program

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Purpose: This regulation sets—

a. Policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the memorialization of deceased persons who distinguished themselves, and dedication in the name of living persons in accordance with a condition of a gift given to either the United States Military Academy (USMA) or a foundation/association for the benefit of USMA.
b. Procedures for erecting memorials in foreign countries to commemorate the services of the U.S. Armed Forces.
c. Policies and responsibilities for groundbreaking, dedication, and memorialization ceremonies for—

(1) Buildings on Army installations.
(2) Army Reserve Centers.
(3) Armed Forces Reserve Centers where the Army is the host.

d. This regulation is not applicable to—

(1) Memorial ceremonies for deceased individuals that are performed in lieu of a funeral. (See AR 638–2 for Army policy concerning memorial services for the deceased.)
(2) Unit memorial services for deceased military personnel. (See AR 638–2 for Army policy concerning unit memorial services.)
(3) Army National Guard (ARNG) property when accountability has not been accepted by the State’s U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer (USPFO) on its behalf.


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