Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Post-Mortem Care (Process Used to Declare a Person Dead; Changes That Occur in the Body after Death; Death Certificate; Organ Donation and Autopsy; Responsibility in Preparing the Body; Role in Caring for the Family of the Deceased client; Deaths on the Battlefield); Wound Care (Identify forms of wound healing; Presence of infection; Assessment considerations; Emergency treatment of specific wound types; Care for a wound; Drainage and drainage systems; Assist with on-going casualty management); Perform Respiratory Care (Suctioning Techniques; Perform Endotracheal Tube and Tracheotomy Care; Administer a nebulization treatment); Cardiac Monitoring (Basic Cardiac Monitoring; Perform a 12 Lead ECG; Right Side and Posterior ECG’s; Measure Pulse Oxygen Saturation); Chest Tube Care and Monitoring (Chest Tube Systems; Care of patients with chest tubes; Problems solving with chest tubes); Appendix A – Wound Care, Competency Skill Sheets; Appendix B – Cardiac Monitoring, Competency Skill Sheets; Appendix C –Respiratory Care, Competency Skill Sheets
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