Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Basic Nursing Assessment (Facts about Physical Assessment; Basic techniques used in performing an assessment; Components of the patient assessment; Guidelines for documentation of physical assessment); Nursing Documentation (Medical Records Purposes and Confidentiality; Medical Record Documentation Procedures; Content of Medical Record Entries; Medical Record Forms; Functions Performed by Composite Health Care System (CHCS)); Medication Administration (Drug effects – Mechanism of action; Routes of drug administration; Bulk and Unit Dose Medications; Guidelines and Principles; Dosage; Principles; Medication Errors); Pain Assessment and Management (Facts related to the pain experience; Origins of Pain; Responses to Pain; Factors Affecting the Pain Experience; Components of Pain Assessment; Methods used in the Relief of Pain; 91W Solider Medic’ s Role in Pain Management); Pharmacology for the Soldier Medic (Sources of Drugs; Use of Drugs; Factors that Affect the Desired Effect of a Drug; Routes of Administration; Adverse Reactions to Drugs; Medications for use by the Soldier Medic)
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