Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Manage a Seizing Casualty (Determine type of seizure; Assess the casualty and overview of differential diagnosis; Provide emergency medical care; Provide on-going management); Assist in Vaginal Delivery (Stages of Labor; Care for Normal Delivery Outside the Hospital; Monitor for complications during labor; Predelivery Emergencies; Identify additional gynecological emergencies); Perform Medical Screening (Screen medical records for accuracy and completeness; Screen immunization records for accuracy and completeness; Screen for personnel / administrative matters; Screen Dental Records; Ask and record the following Medical History information on the prescribed form; Perform a patient examination; Disposition Plan); Immunization and Chemoprophylaxis (Personnel subject to immunizations and required shots; Chemoprophylactic Requirements; Pre-administration Screening; Vaccine Handling, Administrative, and Patient Care Procedures; Reactions and possible side effects; Documentation); Specimen Collection (General principles for throat culture and sputum collection; Stool specimens; Urine specimens; Blood specimens); Blood Draw (General Considerations; Steps and Procedures to Perform a Venipuncture); Appendix A – Specimen Collection, Competency Skill Sheets; Appendix B – Blood Culture, Competency Skill Sheets
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