ER 700-1-1 Errata Sheet 1 | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 700-1-1 Errata Sheet 1

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Errata Sheet No. 1 Logistics USACE SUPPLY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ER 700-1-1 (Change 1) 26 October 2001

This errata sheet clarifies guidance. Only expendable items with an individual unit cost of less than $300 in Federal Supply Group 75 are exempt from item detail accounting.

Page 6-1, paragraph 6-2.a.(1): First sentence should read as follows:

“For purchases of expendable items with an individual unit cost of less than $300 in Federal Supply Group 75, Office Supplies and Devices, (Federal Supply Classes 7510 Office Supplies, 7520 Office Devices and Accessories, 7530 Stationery and Record Forms, and 7540 Standard Forms), summary accounting may be used when placing these items into CEFMS.”


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