ER 385-1-80 Ionizing Radiation Protection | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 385-1-80 Ionizing Radiation Protection

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Purpose:  This regulation assigns safety and health responsibilities to:

a. Safely and effectively, use radioactive materials and radiation generating devices.

b. Ensure compliance with all applicable federal, Department of Army (DA), USACE, state and local regulations concerning the safe use of radioactive materials or radiation generating devices. Guidance concerning the safe use of non-ionizing radiation sources (such as lasers and radio frequency radiation) can be found in EM 385-1-80 (USACE Radiation Protection Manual).

c. Obtain, renew, amend, and terminate U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licenses, Army Radiation Authorizations (ARAs), and Army Radiation Permits (ARPs) for possession and use of radioactive materials and radiation generating devices not requiring a specific license from the NRC.

d. Transfer or dispose radioactive materials and radioactive wastes.

e. Oversee contractors using radioactive materials or radiation generating devices that require NRC or Agreement State licensing or registration, ARAs, or ARPs for possession or use of radioactive materials or radiation generating devices.

f. Oversee contractors performing remediation of sites contaminated with radioactive material or radioactive waste.


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