EP 870-1-62 Water Resources Hydraulics and Hydrology Interview with Alfred S Harrision | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 870-1-62 Water Resources Hydraulics and Hydrology Interview with Alfred S Harrision

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Preface: The United States Army Corps of Engineers significantly contributed to hydraulic and hydrologic engineering over the last two hundred years. Exploiting theory, innovation, and mechanical ingenuity, Corps civilian and military engineers studied the behavior of rivers and the motion of water. They investigated hundreds of streams in the United States, many more than once, collecting data on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of rivers; regional precipitation; and local runoff. Their work vastly improved the nation’s ability to predict floods and to take preventive actions.

This interview is one of several being produced in a special series covering engineers who shaped the Corps’ hydrology and hydraulics program. Understanding the experiences, contributions, and thoughts of these individuals illuminates the past and provides guidance for the future. We commend this interview to all those interested in the development of twentieth century research in river hydraulics and hydrology.


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