EP 870-1-1 Historical Vignettes – Volume II | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 870-1-1 Historical Vignettes – Volume II

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FOREWORD: These Historical Vignettes reflect in miniature the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ many contributions to the American nation in peace and war. The wide variety of this collection is a tribute to the scope of Engineer interests and to the ingenuity of those who have served the Corps through adversity and triumph since the beginning of the Republic.

The anecdotes in this volume provide brief but significant glimpses of the history and traditions that are the proud heritage of all members of the Corps of Engineers, military and civilian. They supply the practical substance of speeches and public information programs, but as a record of achievement, individual endurance and ability, and wry wit, they also mirror the people the Corps of Engineers has served for over two hundred years.


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