EP 715-1-7 Architect Engineer Contracting | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 715-1-7 Architect Engineer Contracting

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

a. This pamphlet provides guidance and procedures for contracting for architect-engineer (A-E) services in accordance with the Brooks Architect-Engineer Act and the acquisition regulations referenced below. The guidance and procedures in this pamphlet are intended to promote fair, efficient and consistent A-E contracting practices throughout the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

b. Compliance with this pamphlet is required by Engineer Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (EFARS) 36.601-3 (S-101). Adherence to the guidance and procedures herein will ensure proper compliance with the acquisition regulations, and any variations therefrom must be documented in the contract file (provided the variations do not violate the acquisition regulations).

c. This pamphlet provides guidance and procedures for implementing certain key portions of the acquisition regulations relevant to A-E contracting. However, it is not intended to cover all aspects of the A-E contracting process and should not be used as a substitute for the current acquisition regulations (the FAR system) which provide procurement policy. If a conflict arises between this pamphlet and the acquisition regulations, the acquisition regulations govern.


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