EP 690-2-2 Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural ResourcesManagement Team Members | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 690-2-2 Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural ResourcesManagement Team Members

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a. This pamphlet is designed to provide guidance to proactive Natural Resources Management (NRM) team members in designing a path that can help lead to achieving long-term career goals or higher-level positions.  There is no guarantee that the use of the processes and principles described in this document will lead to a team member’s intermediate or ultimate goals.  Rather, this guide is a tool that can be used to make informed career decisions by NRM team members at any level for development and promotion in the following career paths.

(1) Park rangers, natural resources management specialists and managers, including Operations Project Managers (OPMs) and Project/Park Managers (PMs); Chiefs of operations or Construction-Operations Divisions; technical support team members (NRM team members at district, division, or headquarters levels); and similar positions.

(2) Administrative support NRM team members.

(3) NRM facility management, civil engineering technicians and maintenance team members.

b. The paths of park rangers, specialists, managers and technical support members are interrelated and are addressed in Chapter 3.  Administrative support staff members are discussed in Chapter 4. Facility management, civil engineering technicians, and maintenance team members may have interrelated career paths and are addressed together in Chapter 5.


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