EP 690-1-11 11 Career Profile Supplement – Biologist | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 690-1-11 11 Career Profile Supplement – Biologist

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials CAREER PROFILE SUPPLEMENT – BIOLOGIST

The Corps offers many opportunities as a biologist, some more specialized than others.  Mary Todd Uhlir spends most of her workday providing meticulous directions for thousands.   Thousands of fish, that is.  As a Corps fish biologist at the Bonneville Lock & Dam in Oregon, her primary responsibility is to inspect the dam’s fish passage facilities, Calibration of water level measurement sensors, monitoring of debris accumulation, and inspection of equipment is all part of a day’s inspection.  Secondarily, she helps in the river during the draining and maintenance of the turbines or passage facilities.  The design of system improvements is also a large part of her job.


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