React to a Nuclear Hazard or Attack Class/Briefing | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

React to a Nuclear Hazard or Attack Class/Briefing

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

This class/briefing reviews how to react to a Nuclear Hazard or Attack. It teaches how to identify types of radiation and actions for an attack without warning, identify the best protective position to lessen the effects of blast, identify radiological contamination markers, and identify actions to remove radiological contamination. Then it teach how to respond to each of the following possible situations that could occur:

  • A brilliant flash of light or a mushroom-shaped cloud is seen.
  • A standard radiological contamination marker or an enemy marker is found.
  • Here told that fallout is in your area.
  • Receive warning instructions to respond to a nuclear attack.
  • Come across a suspected depleted uranium/low level radioactive materials (DULLRAM) hazard.

NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint


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