GREAT Tool of the Week: How to Communicate Effectively with a Member of Congress | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

GREAT Tool of the Week: How to Communicate Effectively with a Member of Congress

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Elected officials rely on constituent input to be effective legislators. Ongoing communication is the only way public representatives will know and understand how voters feel about particular issues.

As a member of the medical community, your responsibility in communicating with members of Congress is especially important. No one can better explain the complex nature of health care policy decisions than those involved on a day-to-day basis in the medical profession.

Sending letters and emails, making phone calls and paying personal visits are typical ways in which constituents get their message to legislators. While an individualized letter or email is an influential means of communicating, a postal letter may be delayed because of heightened security measures. If the issue is urgent, the letter can be faxed or emailed. A phone call is more personal than an electronic message and usually has more impact.

You can be most effective in conveying a message by relating issues to your own personal experience or professional expertise, or to the likely effects on a member’s constituents. What is contained in this document are tips on how to most effectively communicate with your Member of Congress.

NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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