Cross a Contaminated Area Class/Briefing | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Cross a Contaminated Area Class/Briefing

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Class/briefing that reviews how to Cross a Contaminated Area. It sets conditions of given a unit with MOPP gear; organic decontamination equipment (ex: M11/M13 DAP, M258A1/M291/M295 decon kits); organic chemical and radiological detection devices (IM93, IM174, AN/VDR2, M8/M9 detector paper, CAM, etc.); shielding materials (such as sandbags); a map of the operational area; commander’s Operational Exposure Guidance (OEG) including turn-back dose and turn-back dose rate; and an overlay of the radiologically, chemically, or biologically contaminated area. You must enter, cross, and exit (or operate in) this contaminated area. With the standard of supervise the crossing of a unit through an NBC contaminated area without producing NBC casualties or spreading contamination.

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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