6-22-3_Lesson | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Class / briefing for (ELO) Lesson 6-22-3 A Leader of Character, With Presence, and Intellect

SCOPE: This course is the third in a series of awareness training courses on Army leadership. This course is designed so that leaders throughout the Army can introduce the concepts in FM 6-22 to their Soldiers and Army civilians. This briefing can also be used to prepare TRADOC instructors for the task of teaching portions of this manual in leadership development courses within the Officer, NCO, enlisted, and Army civilian education systems.

This one hour course focuses on what it means to be a leader of character, with presence and intellect. During this course we will cover the Army Leadership Requirements model and the attributes required to be a leader of character, with presence and intellect.  We will analyze the role of Army Values in leadership.  We will also recognize that the Warrior Ethos is embedded in all aspects of Army leadership.


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